Musings on Ice Cream, Again
IT'S VACATION! Thank goodness. It's been a crazy week. On top of all the craziness I was expecting (rehearsals, late nights, crazy students, the like), there was also a lockdown at school today, and it was probably one of the scariest experiences of my life. I don't think I'll ever get used to that part of teaching. But I'm under 20 days left. Phew. Also, one of my 2-4 life determining emails finally came. So it was a crazy week. And now it's vacation. The whole vacation thing hasn't really even set in yet.
I didn't have time to make something to celebrate vacation with driving home and all, so we went and got ice cream instead. For dinner. It happens. Ice cream is a perfectly acceptable dinner food.

Anyway, my favorite ice cream place is one of those places that gives you so much ice cream that it is a meal in and of itself. It's wonderful. Mint oreo, kiddie, in a waffle cone with chocolate sprinkles. I'm boring and get that every time. There's just nothing else as good.

That's with my water bottle just for scale.
Ok, so I guess that we don't always just get ice cream . . . tonight we split some waffle fries and onion rings too. They have REALLY good waffle fries. But the ice cream is really what it's about.

And now I'm watching Tangled for the fourth time this week. Obsessed? Not me.
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