
I give up.  I have literally been working all day on homework.  And I had worked on this homework Friday, Saturday, Monday and today.  It reminded me of a take-home final I once (or thrice) took in undergrad.

Granted, when I say I give up, it pretty much means I'm done except for one little piece of one problem.  I wouldn't be ok with stopping otherwise.
But I did forget to eat dinner.  This is one of the few nights I will truly say, "thank goodness for leftovers!"

Thank goodness also for a new working area.  I love oversized chairs with oversized ottomans.  Just saying.  Look different from my old setup on the floor?
But really, I wanted to rave about rice cakes again.  I've done it before.  Nutella is amazing with them.

But so is peanut butter.  On the white cheddar ones.  Or the caramel ones.  Either way.  Or plain, if you're not feeling adventurous.
And you can't beat early macs.  But you have to get them before they get soft and grainy and super sweet.  They are best when they are a little on the sour side.  And definitely very crunchy.

So, yeah.  Ricecakes.  Try them.


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