The Week Before Finals
'Twas the week before finals, when all through the college,
Not a student was bored, not even a freshman.
The students were buried in the library with books,
In hopes that finals would soon be took.
The professors were sitting in their office hours with red pens,
While visions of test questions danced in their heads.
And I with my homework and my apartment mates with their papers
Had just settled down to dig through the projects.
. . . to be continued.
So, it's finals season. Which explains this:

Yeah, I know it looks gross. But it's not just leftovers, it's special leftovers. It is chicken potpie that was cooked over a campfire during a camping trip this summer. I froze it and saved it for a rainy day. Or a rainy and windy day. Like today. Did I mention the power went out? We have a generator though, and it is lovely. No classes tomorrow? Please? Unit working day? Pretty please?
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