Farm Stands
Sadly, there has been no new cooking/baking going on this week as of yet . . . I'm still eating leftovers from my cooking/baking spree on Sunday. But, I did go grocery shopping today. I love grocery shopping. I used to be a cashier at a grocery store, and I hated every minute of it. But I'm pretty sure that I used to try and guess what people were making as they came through my line. Long story short, I don't miss cashiering. But it didn't ruin grocery stores for me (thank goodness!) . I also LOVE going to farm stands. I found one around here that's open year round and sells imported organic produce, local milk, some grocery goods and their own soups all winter long. Best part about it: it's on the way to/from my school. Score.
But the absolute BEST thing ever is that every time I go grocery shopping, I get to see this:

(In case you can't tell, these are sheepies in a field. It kind of reminds me of England and it makes me so happy.)
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