Rice and Squash
I've finally emerged from studying for two weeks for tests, and it feels wonderful. If I had time, I'd celebrate by baking something. But I don't have time. I guess that's what Thanksgiving is for.
However, I did have a little time for cooking this week. Hooray for stress relief through cooking!
A couple of nights ago, I tried to make this butternut squash recipe with the leftovers from the giant squash (see two entries ago if you're confused). There was actually a lot more than I expected leftover.

And as good as the recipe sounds, it didn't quite come out how it was supposed to. Oops. I think my first problem was that all I had was fake-yogurt-spread-butter-like-substance, and I don't think that was really meant to brown.

Although, it did work. Sorta. Then it just all solidified so there was nothing to keep the squash from sticking to the bottom of the pan. So I added olive oil. Maybe I just didn't add enough butter. I better not say that too loud, or I might be disowned. My great grandmother is famous for using TONS of butter in everything.

So, it was more like mashed squash with olive oil and thyme, but it still tasted pretty good! Especially paired with homemade pesto that my mom and I made this summer on raviolis. Yum.

Then, to go with the rest of my leftover squash, last night, I made "Rice with Summer Squash, Red Peppers and Roasted Pepitas," which is a recipe I found in an old version of a Hannaford Fresh Magazine. The first time I made it, I halved the recipe, thinking that 3 side-sized servings would be enough for a meal or so. Yeah, it made enough for 3 meals. Seriously. It makes a lot. But it's also really yummy.

Oh, and don't know what pepitas are? Neither did I. They are just plain roasted pumpkin seeds. They sell those in my supermarket. Who would have known?

Here's my take on the recipe:
From Hannaford Fresh Magazine
1 tbsp. olive oil
(1/2 onion, finely chopped)
1/2-3/4 red bell pepper, cut into 1/2-1 inch squares
1 medium summer squash or zucchini cubed or sliced
3/4 cup long grain white rice
1 16oz. can chicken broth
2 tbsp. roasted salted shelled pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion, if using, and cook until soft, stirring frequently, about 4 mins. Add bell pepper and squash or zucchini and saute until veggies begin to soften, about 3 minutes (or at least the squash begins to soften).
Add the rice and saute 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add broth, increase heat to high and bring to boil. Reduce heat to low and cover. Cook 18 to 20 minutes or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed. Stir in pumpkin seeds and parsley.

I actually add more broth than it calls for, but it makes it really sticky and yummy, in my opinion. Play with the amount of broth, if you want.

Remember, if you aren't cooking with a stick of butter your aren't cooking!! :-)