CSA Week #6

Where is this summer going?  I feel like I've been everywhere and seen all sorts of people, but at the same time, I feel like I haven't had much time to get anything I wanted to do done.  Eieiei.

Anyway, it's finally time to get back to CSA updates!  Veggies are in full swing at the farm, and we are getting huge (half) shares!  I'm pretty excited about it.  I can't wait for the Tuesday afternoon emails telling me what's coming!

Although there's a HUGE fennel bulb sitting on my counter that doesn't quite have a place in the fridge.  Hmmmm.

Here's week 6!

Pickling Cucumbers
Slicing Cucumbers

The beets are still in the fridge waiting for a cool day to come so I can roast them.  It's just been too, too hot.

The carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, plus a tomato from last week went into a giant salad for NES's birthday barbecue!  It was really exciting to be able to make a salad almost completely (except for a lonely half red pepper that was leftover in the fridge) made from farm fresh ingredients!  I actually headed back to the farm later in the week to get more salad ingredients for a salad that I made for a church ministry.  I love fresh produce!

The corn was supposed to go with dinner on Monday night when mom was here, but I was distracted by dropping off the salad, so I forgot.  Oops.

I sliced some of the onions for burgers at NES's barbecue.

I ate the peaches.  Because fruit.  Mmmm.  Actually, one or two might have ended up with blueberries in smoothies too.

The zucchini will go into some sort of baked good (yet to be determined), but I had a few summer squashes from previous weeks, and they have been going into my scrambled eggs with feta cheese for breakfast!

The raspberries only made it home for the picture because they may have fallen all over my car and I wanted to wash off the dust before I ate them.  I don't trust my car to be anything like clean.  Then they were gone in about 10 minutes.  Maybe less.

And here's a sneak peek of other projects in the queue!


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