Happy Birthday, Julia Child!

Well, I know I haven't been around much recently.  I plead math.  I've been studying for two more intensive exams, and where last summer I found some free time to post, this summer seems to have filled up.

I did spend two mornings this week on the beach -- one with MA and another with mom!

It was interesting being on the opposite sides of the same channel two days apart.

I'm pretty sure this seagull with a dragging wing was eyeing me warily on both beaches!

I have cakes and salads and camping trips and all sorts of things to post about.  Eventually.  When these exams are over.  NES also has a guest post for you (and I think it's about my new favorite meal!) at some point.

Anyway, all that to say I've been super busy, and I'll return.  And happy birthday to Julia Child!  I kept Julie and Julia on in the background while I was studying this afternoon for my annual birthday viewing.  Having read the actual book My Life in France this year, I enjoyed it even more!


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